Results for 'Philip R. Cohen Jerry Morgan'

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  1. Intentions in Communication.Philip R. Cohen Jerry Morgan & Martha Pollack (eds.) - 1990 - MIT Press.
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    Intentions in Communication.Philip R. Cohen, Jerry Morgan & Martha E. Pollack - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (167):245.
  3.  73
    Intentions in Communication.Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan & Martha E. Pollack (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.
    This book presents views of the concept of intention and its relationship to communication from three perspectives: philosphy, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. The book is a record of a workshop held in 1987.
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    Intention is choice with commitment.Philip R. Cohen & Hector J. Levesque - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 42 (2-3):213-261.
    This paper explores principles governing the rational balance among an agent's beliefs, goals, actions, and intentions. Such principles provide specifications for artificial agents, and approximate a theory of human action (as philosophers use the term). By making explicit the conditions under which an agent can drop his goals, i.e., by specifying how the agent is committed to his goals, the formalism captures a number of important properties of intention. Specifically, the formalism provides analyses for Bratman's three characteristic functional roles played (...)
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  5. Elements of a Plan‐Based Theory of Speech Acts.Philip R. Cohen & C. Raymond Perrault - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (3):177-212.
    This paper explores the truism that people think about what they say. It proposes that, to satisfy their own goals, people often plan their speech acts to affect their listeners' beliefs, goals, and emotional states. Such language use can be modelled by viewing speech acts as operators in a planning system, thus allowing both physical and speech acts to be integrated into plans. Methodological issues of how speech acts should be defined in a planbased theory are illustrated by defining operators (...)
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  6. Teamwork.Philip R. Cohen & Hector J. Levesque - 1991 - Noûs 25 (4):487-512.
    What is involved when a group of agents decide to do something together? Joint action by a team appears to involve more than just the union of simultaneous individual actions, even when those actions are coordinated. We would not say that there is any teamwork involved in ordinary automobile traffic, even though the drivers act simultaneously and are coordinated (one hopes) by the traffic signs and rules of the road. But when a group of drivers decide to do something together, (...)
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    The unconscious in social and political life.David Morgan (ed.) - 2019 - Bicester, Oxfordshire: Phoenix Publishing House.
    Traumatic events happen in every age, yet there is a particularly cataclysmic feeling to our own epoch that is so attractive to some and so terrifying to others. The terrible events of September 11th 2001 still resonate and the repercussions continue to this day: the desperation of immigrants fleeing terror, the uncertainty of Brexit, Donald Trump in the White House, the rise of the alt-right and hard left, increasing fundamentalism, and terror groups intent on causing destruction to the Western way (...)
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    A component analysis of natural language mediators obtained in paired-associate learning.Jerry M. Owens, Pamela R. Werder & Philip H. Marshall - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (5):512-514.
  9. What makes a theory of consciousness unscientific?Michal Klincewicz, Tony Cheng, Joel Snyder, Michael Schmitz, Miguel Angel Sebastian, Derek H. Arnold, Mark G. Baxter, Tristan A. Bekinschtein, Yoshua Bengio, James W. Bisley, Jacob Browning, Dean Buonomano, David Carmel, Marisa Carrasco, Peter Carruthers, Olivia Carter, Dorita H. F. Chang, Ian Charest, Mouslim Cherkaoui, Axel Cleeremans, Michael A. Cohen, Philip R. Corlett, Kalina Christoff, Sam Cumming, Cody A. Cushing, Beatrice de Gelder, Felipe De Brigard, Daniel C. Dennett, Nadine Dijkstra, Paul E. Dux, Adrien Doerig, Stephen M. Fleming, Keith Frankish, Chris D. Frith, Sarah Garfinkel, Melvyn A. Goodale, Jacqueline Gottlieb, Jake R. Hanson, Ran R. Hassin, Michael H. Herzog, Cecilia Heyes, Po-Jang Hsieh, Shao-Min Hung, Robert Kentridge, Tomas Knapen, Nikos Konstantinou, Konrad Kording, Timo L. Kvamme, Sze Chai Kwok, Renzo C. Lanfranco & Hakwan Lau - 2025 - Nature Neuroscience 28 (4):1-5.
    Theories of consciousness have a long and controversial history. One well-known proposal — integrated information theory — has recently been labeled as ‘pseudoscience’, which has caused a heated open debate. Here we discuss the case and argue that the theory is indeed unscientific because its core claims are untestable even in principle.
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  10. University of regensburg Herbert Ernst brekle Philip luelsdorff.Alice Davison Binnick, Georgia M. Green & Jerry L. Morgan - 1974 - Foundations of Language: International Journal of Language and Philosophy 12:381.
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    Philosophy of Science Matters: The Philosophy of Peter Achinstein.Gregory J. Morgan (ed.) - 2011 - , US: Oxford University Press.
    In this, the first book devoted to Peter Achinstein's influential work in philosophy of science, twenty distinguished philosophers, including four Lakatos award winners, address various aspects of Achinstein's influential views on the nature of scientific evidence, scientific explanation, and scientific realism. It includes short essays by Steve Gimbel and Jeff Maynes, Nancy Cartwright, Jordi Cat, Victor DiFate, Jerry Doppelt, Adam Goldstein, Philip Kitcher, Fred Kronz, Deborah Mayo, Greg Morgan, Helen Longino, John Norton, Michael Ruse, Bas van Fraassen, (...)
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  12. Books in review.Philip H. Ashby, Jerry K. Robbins, Massimo Rubboli & Ronald S. Laura - 1980 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (1):59-69.
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    Rehearsal in animal conditioning.Allan R. Wagner, Jerry W. Rudy & Jesse W. Whitlow - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (3):407.
  14.  53
    Appraising Intangible Assets from the Viewpoint of Value Drivers.Grace T. R. Lin & Jerry Y. H. Tang - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (4):679-689.
    This article does not intend to actually valuate intangible assets but focuses to investigate the relative value distribution of corporate intangible assets, and this links closely to the concept and application of value drivers. This is because we believe that drivers or attributes of the value significantly determine how the virtual value of these intangibles can be created for companies. We apply the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to the appraising process of intangible assets. The AHP method can mainly sort the (...)
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    C.S. Lewis as philosopher: truth, goodness and beauty.David Baggett, Gary R. Habermas, Jerry L. Walls & Thomas V. Morris (eds.) - 2017 - Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University Press.
    What did C. S. Lewis think about truth, goodness and beauty? Fifteen essays explore three major philosophical themes from the writings of Lewis--Truth, Goodness and Beauty. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of Lewis's philosophical thinking on arguments for Christianity, the character of God, theodicy, moral goodness, heaven and hell, a theory of literature and the place of the imagination.
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    On the search for relevance.Jerry L. Morgan & Georgia M. Green - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):726.
  17.  41
    Hitchhiking: Social signals at a distance.Charles J. Morgan, Joan S. Lockard, Carol E. Fahrenbruch & Jerry L. Smith - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (6):459-461.
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    Logic and sin in the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein.Philip R. Shields - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Philip R. Shields shows that ethical and religious concerns inform even the most technical writings on logic and language, and that, for Wittgenstein, the need to establish clear limitations is both a logical and an ethical demand. Rather than merely saying specific things about theology and religion, major texts from the Tractatus to the Philosophical Investigations express their fundamentally religious nature by showing that there are powers which bear down upon and sustain us. Shields finds a religious view of (...)
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    Interpretation as abduction.Jerry R. Hobbs, Mark E. Stickel, Douglas E. Appelt & Paul Martin - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 63 (1-2):69-142.
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    No need to compromise: Evidence of public accounting's changing culture regarding budgetary performance. [REVIEW]Steve Buchheit, William R. Pasewark & Jerry R. Strawser - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (2):151 - 163.
    McNair (1991) discusses the "proper compromises" made by junior auditors in large public accounting firms by arguing that the conflict between high-quality and low-cost auditing leads to "ethically ambivalent" behavior. Specifically, McNair provides evidence that success during the early stages of a public accounting career requires auditors to complete quality audits in an unreasonably short period of time. Completing quality audits within insufficient time constraints puts junior auditors in the following dilemma: report time truthfully and fail versus underreport time and (...)
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    Philosophy, Science and Method. [REVIEW]R. H. K. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):755-755.
    The essays collected in this volume to honor Ernest Nagel reflect his wide interest in all topics relating philosophy to the natural and social sciences. The essays, written by distinguished philosophers and scientists form a mixed bag, but most of them are very good. The first part, "Science and Inquiry" begins with notes taken by Patrick Suppes of Nagel's lectures on Dewey's logic delivered in 1947. It follows with essays on knowledge by Stuart Hampshire, on intensions and the law of (...)
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    Coherence and Coreference.Jerry R. Hobbs - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (1):67-90.
    Coherence in conversations and in texts can be partially characterized by a set of coherence relations, motivated ultimately by the speaker's or writer's need to be understood. In this paper, formal definitions are given for several coherence relations, based on the operations of an inference system; that is, the relations between successive portions of a discourse are characterized in terms of the inferences that can be drawn from each. In analyzing a discourse, it is frequently the case that we would (...)
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    Mitigating Racial Bias in Machine Learning.Kristin M. Kostick-Quenet, I. Glenn Cohen, Sara Gerke, Bernard Lo, James Antaki, Faezah Movahedi, Hasna Njah, Lauren Schoen, Jerry E. Estep & J. S. Blumenthal-Barby - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):92-100.
    When applied in the health sector, AI-based applications raise not only ethical but legal and safety concerns, where algorithms trained on data from majority populations can generate less accurate or reliable results for minorities and other disadvantaged groups.
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    Formal Theories of the Commonsense World.Jerry R. Hobbs & Robert C. Moore (eds.) - 1985 - Intellect Books.
    This volume is a collection of original contributions about the core knowledge in fundamental domains. It includes work on naive physics, such as formal specifications of intuitive theories of spatial relations, time causality, substance and physical objects, and on naive psychology.
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    Jhi 2000.Donald R. Kelley - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (1):153-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.1 (2000) 153-156 [Access article in PDF] JHI 2000 Donald R. Kelley It was just sixty years ago that this Journal first made its appearance. Two hundred thirty-nine issues later it continues in a world transformed by war, overpopulation, cultural shocks, scientific and technological transformations, globalization, the avalanche of information produced by electronic exchange, and "the acceleration of just about everything." Yet despite (...)
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  26. Towards an understanding of coherence in discourse.Jerry R. Hobbs - 1982 - In Wendy G. Lehnert & Martin Ringle, Strategies for Natural Language Processing. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 223--243.
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    Promoting convergence: The Phi spiral in abduction of mouse corneal behaviors.Jerry Rhee, Talisa Mohammad Nejad, Olivier Comets, Sean Flannery, Eine Begum Gulsoy, Philip Iannaccone & Craig Foster - 2015 - Complexity 20 (3):22-38.
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    Conversation as Planned Behavior.Jerry R. Hobbs & David Andreoff Evans - 1980 - Cognitive Science 4 (4):349-377.
    In this paper, planning models developed in artificial intelligence are applied to the kind of planning that must be carried out by participants in a conversation. A planning mechanism is defined, and a short fragment of a free‐flowing videotaped conversation is described. The bulk of the paper is then devoted to an attempt to understand the conversation in terms of the planning mechanism. This microanalysis suggests ways in which the planning mechanism must be augmented, and reveals several important conversational phenomena (...)
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    The Folds of Coexistence: Towards a Diplomatic Political Ontology, between Difference and Contradiction.Philip R. Conway - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (3):23-47.
    Between the affirmative and the negative, the compositional and the oppositional, we need to rethink the difference between difference and contradiction. In this regard, the concept of ‘diplomacy’, as developed by Isabelle Stengers, is of particular significance. Whereas many adherents of an affirmative ontology of difference reduce contradiction to a caveat – ‘of course, antagonism is inevitable, but …’ – diplomacy makes contradiction its fundamental concern. This article explicates the significance of such a conception, via close readings of Stengers’ work (...)
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    Higher Status Honesty Is Worth More: The Effect of Social Status on Honesty Evaluation.Philip R. Blue, Jie Hu & Xiaolin Zhou - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  31. Putting knowledge in its place: virtue, value, and the internalism/externalism debate.Philip R. Olson - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 159 (2):241-261.
    Traditionally, the debate between epistemological internalists and externalists has centered on the value of knowledge and its justification. A value pluralist, virtue-theoretic approach to epistemology allows us to accept what I shall call the insight of externalism while still acknowledging the importance of internalists’ insistence on the value of reflection. Intellectual virtue can function as the unifying consideration in a study of a host of epistemic values, including understanding, wisdom, and what I call articulate reflection. Each of these epistemic values (...)
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    An analysis of “dignity”.Philip R. S. Johnson - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (4):337-352.
    The word dignity is frequently used both in clinical and philosophical discourse when referring to and describing the ideal conditions of the patient's treatment, particularly the dying patient. An exploration of the variety of meanings associated with the word dignity will note dignity's ambiguous usage and reveal instrumental concepts needed to better understand the discourse of the dying. When applied to a critique of recent and contemporary criticisms of the medical community's handling of the dying, such concepts might provide a (...)
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  33. Contentless consciousness and information-processing theories of mind.Philip R. Sullivan - 1995 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 2 (1):51-59.
    Functionalist theories of mind sometimes have viewed consciousness as emerging simply from the computational activity of extremely complex information-processing systems. Empirical evidence suggests strongly, however, that experiences without content ("pure consciousness" events, or "core mystical experience") and devoid of subjectivity (no sense of agency or ownership) do happen. The occurrence of such consciousness, lacking all informational content, counts against any theory that equates consciousness with the mere "flow of information," no matter how intricate.
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  34. Commonsense Metaphysics and Lexical Semantics.Jerry R. Hobbs, William Croft, Todd Davies, Douglas Edwards & Kenneth Laws - 1987 - Computational Linguistics 13 (3&4):241-250.
    In the TACITUS project for using commonsense knowledge in the understanding of texts about mechanical devices and their failures, we have been developing various commonsense theories that are needed to mediate between the way we talk about the behavior of such devices and causal models of their operation. Of central importance in this effort is the axiomatization of what might be called commonsense metaphysics. This includes a number of areas that figure in virtually every domain of discourse, such as granularity, (...)
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    Flush and bone: Funeralizing alkaline hydrolysis in the United States.Philip R. Olson - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (5):666-693.
    This article examines the political controversy in the United States surrounding a new process for the disposition of human remains, alkaline hydrolysis. AH technologies use a heated solution of water and strong alkali to dissolve tissues, yielding an effluent that can be disposed through municipal sewer systems, and brittle bone matter that can be dried, crushed, and returned to the decedent’s family. Though AH is legal in eight US states, opposition to the technology remains strong. Opponents express concerns about public (...)
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    Domesticating Deathcare: The Women of the U.S. Natural Deathcare Movement.Philip R. Olson - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (2):195-215.
    This article examines the women-led natural deathcare movment in the early 21st century U.S., focusing upon the movement’s non-coincidental epistemological and gender-political similarities to the natural childbirth movement. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach and drawing upon the author’s intensive interviews with pioneers and leaders of the U.S. natural deathcare movement, as well as from the author’s own participation in the movement, this article argues that the political similarities between the countercultural natural childbirth and natural deathcare movements reveal a common cultural provocation—one (...)
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  37. Spatial representation and reasoning.Jerry R. Hobbs & Srini Narayanan - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan.
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    Positive reinforcement and suppression of spontaneous GSR activity.Jerry R. May & Harold J. Johnson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (1):193.
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  39. Separating science from myth in subliminal psychodynamic activation.Jerry Weinberger & R. A. Hardaway - 1990 - Clinical Psychological Review 10:727-56.
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    Closure: emergent organizations and their dynamics.Jerry L. R. Chandler & Gertrudis van de Vijver (eds.) - 2000 - New York, NY: New York Academy of Sciences.
    Classical neo-Darwinian explanations do not fully account for changes in biological forms, and new theories have emerged, primarily in maths and physics, that offer new approaches to the problem of the origin of life and phenomena of order in evolution. This volume focuses on the role of closure at various hierarchical levels as the catalyst between self-organization and selection. Participants addressed special areas of the closure problem such as autopoiesis and autocatalysis and function and selection, and semiosis. Presentations on physical (...)
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    Lucian among the cynics: The Zeus refuted and cynic tradition.Philip R. Bosman - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (2):785-795.
  42. In Search of “Ancient Israel,”.Philip R. Davies - 1992
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    Are explanatory coherence and a connectionist model necessary?Jerry R. Hobbs - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):476-477.
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    Making computational sense of Montague's intensional logic.Jerry R. Hobbs & Stanley J. Rosenschein - 1977 - Artificial Intelligence 9 (3):287-306.
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    Knowing “Necro-Waste”.Philip R. Olson - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (3):326-345.
    Adopting a waste-directed study of the dead human body, and various practices of body preparation and body disposition in funerary contexts, I argue that necro-waste is a ubiquitous but largely unknown presence. To know necro-waste is to examine the ways in which the dead human body is embedded in particular personal, social, historical, political, and environmental contexts. This study focuses on funerary practices in the US and Canada, where embalming has been routinely practiced. Viewing dead human bodies as materials processed (...)
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    Symposium On Consciousness, Presented At The Annual Meeting Of The American Association For The Advancement Of Science, 1974.Philip R. Lee (ed.) - 1976 - New York: Viking Press.
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    Toward an Economic Theory of Fashion.Philip R. P. Coelho & James E. McClure - 1993 - Economic Inquiry 31 (4):596.
  48. Memories of Ancient Israel: An Introduction to Biblical History—Ancient and Modern.Philip R. Davies - 2008
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    Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran: A Pseudepigraphic Collection.Philip R. Davies & Eileen Schuller - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):771.
  50. Second Temple Studies: 1. Persian Period.Philip R. Daviess - 1991
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